Thursday, April 10, 2014

Monthly Art Crawl in the 'Ham

Recently, I have been meeting with some great people of Birmingham that share an interest in a monthly art event for the downtown area. We are calling the event the Birmingham Art Crawl in order to not take away from the annual Art Walk in September.

A quick run down of the Art Crawl meetings:
  • I first met with the Director of Art Walk, Joy Myers, who was extremely helpful in providing the history of Art Walk and advice for a similar monthly event like Art Crawl.
  • I then met with Robert Emerick of REV and Tara Lee of Space One Eleven to further discuss the overall vision for Art Crawl.
  • We also had a brief impromptu discussion after our Central City Neighborhood Association meeting.
  • And lastly, up until this point, Robert scheduled a meeting where Geoff Langdon, local business owner, Patty Pilkerton, former president of the CCNA and Birmingham Art Association and myself met at the 'local coffee shop office' Urban Standard. I also invited my business partner at CLEAR, Derrick Strong, to attend as well as my husband and managing attorney of Burton and Associates, Richard Burton. The more brain power, the better, right?!
So now, we're on schedule to connect with local business owners and receive feedback to gauge the amount of interest for the Birmingham Art Crawl.

The big picture:

The overall idea of Art Crawl is for local businesses to host artists, musicians, performers, and the like, on a consistent once-a-month basis. Proposed days are the first Tuesday or first Wednesday of the month since these days are somewhat slower nights than others. The goal is a dual promotional effort for the downtown area and the local art community.

Since Birmingham has grown so much within the past few years, it now seems feasible that the community could host such a great event that would benefit so many, and I am so happy that this is moving forward.

Take a peek!

Want a visual for the event? My business partner, Derrick, and I designed an overall image for the event and mock website detailing as much as we could until it comes to full fruition. Check it out, and take the 5 question survey, please!

Extremely excited, out! ~M