Friday, March 22, 2013

Give it 110%

Is it possible to be at 110%? No question if you're working in the numerous design programs offered out there; of course it is! But outside of technology, what about in life?

Now maybe I spend too much time working in these design programs, but in my opinion, it's also possible for you yourself to 'be' at 110% or 'feel' 110%, but maybe only in brevity.

Let's go with a weather example. For days and days in Alabama it has been so terribly cold...out of character for 'Bama cold. But, that one day when the weather instantly switches from brutally cold to shorts and tshirt wearing pleasant weather, that one particular day is the 110%. Other shorts and tshirt days may just be at 100% since you eventually get accustomed to the now pleasant weather.

In other words, 'being' or 'feeling' 110% can only happen on that one day after overcoming horrible weather (in sticking with my example). I could go deeper into personal, non-weather related examples, but who couldn't?!

Bigger picture of this post: being the rarity that they are, these 110% days are something to learn from and hold on to while remembering that these days may not have existed without 'horrible weather.' And that's really the bigger question...

Do you ever really have bright, sunny days without having the cold, bitter ones? Or, rather, should that question also be asked in reverse: Do you really have cold, bitter days without having the bright sunny ones?

To be at 100%, I would say sure. Why would you ever need to feel pain to know what pleasure is? And why would you need to feel pleasure to then know what pain is?

But to experience the 110%, that's when the two extremes meet. That one brief moment when you realize a certain event has capped and it's alternative has begun. That is the limited time to experience being or feeling 110% in life.

Dada post, out. ~M