Thursday, April 3, 2014

Losing, helping, finding

So most workings days, a little after midday, I will take my 'lunch break' and go for a run. This is such a release for me after sitting behind a computer researching, designing, developing content, etc. I definitely lose any stress in that moment.

I had been doing a two mile running path, but now that we have fantastically warm weather, I've upped it to a 5k. This longer break also allows me to run through new areas and see different sites, people, and businesses.

Two fun things happened on the run today:

One, I was called a 'nice young girl.' Though well intended, it kind of cracked me up seeing that
I'm 30 years old and this guy was probably the same age. So, I was about to cross an intersection and notice a stalled car in the road. The driver had already gotten out of the car to push and another gentleman stopped to help. And of course since I'm already out running, I jumped in to help move the car through the intersection into a parking spot. Even though it wasn't much, it is still so nice to experience strangers coming together to help.

And two, I found another car decal! As you can see in the picture above, I'm somewhat (kinda, sorta, not really, but yeah, really) collecting car decals, as well as any other interesting found objects like these numbers while wandering downtown. The newest addition is the Mercury emblem.

Pretty eventful running break, eh?

Randomness, out. ~M